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"Be the Bridge" Sedona Retreat Experience -New Earth Light Transmissions 

With Jeanette St.Germain & Charles Famille


Architecting a 5D Reality of Love and Soul Empowerment!


Join us to experience the next level of human evolution, a coming together of open hearts and sacred community to Manifest Heaven on Earth…


We will "be the bridge," learning how to communicate with our higher consciousness, how to navigate mutil-dimensional realms and how to embody a reality rooted in unconditional love. This is a call to the light workers of the world - it's time for us to bring forth the NEW Earth Experience!


April 23rd - April 26th 2020

Sedonya Center for Conscious Living, located in the GORGEOUS Red Rocks of Sedona AZ


Opening Ceremony 

Thursday, April 23rd 7:00PM

Full Retreat Days

Friday, April 24th - Sunday, April 26th

* Optional VIP Private Sessions available 04/23 & 04/27

Do you feel pulled to something more, something beyond the every day human cycles of work, school, family and bills? 


Are you ready to connect with the power of your true nature and learn how to infuse each moment with “thriving” instead of “surviving?” 


Do you feel fulfilled when you are being of service in some way, pulled to a kind of “mission” to assist plants, animals and other people? 


If so, then join us…Be the bridge…


This is a special invitation, a call to the fire of your spirit and a promise of the power of group synergy to create real change in this world...


** We are gathering as alchemists, healers and light-workers, ready to step into the next level of our divine purpose. Join us in anchoring the new 5D Unity Template as we manifest the experience of Heaven on Earth! 

Are you ready to let your light shine? Are you ready to be of service in a whole new way? Then join us April 23 - April 26th 2020 in the magical red rocks of Sedona AZ!

Save your spot - $100 non-refundable deposit

Full Registration - Early Bird (Before March 21st) $799

Full Retreat (Starting March 22nd) $899

* Refer a friend and receive a $100 gift towards your registration!

* This does not include transportation, lodging or dinners (except for your Saturday VIP Dinner - we will have dinner as a group for Jeanette's birthday). We will provide brunch style food, snacks and beverages for morning and afternoon meeting times. 

** We will get a list together of people who may wish to carpool and/or room together. We recommend lodging in the West Sedona area as to avoid weekend traffic through Sedona. If you stay in Cottonwood or Oak Creek please allow an additional 30-45 minutes to get to the center in the mornings. 

What will we do?

We will explore the next level of our Ascension/Awakening journey, receiving incredible light codes specific to 2020 and beyond. These energies will show us that we are all connected not only through consciousness and heart, but through our Muti-dimensional nature. We will dive deep into the transformations that are occurring individually and collectively, and more fully understand why we are being called to join with others in sacred community now.


The energies brought forth during this retreat experience will assist us in creating a whole new kind of Earthly Experience, rooted in love, compassion and divine union.


* We will architect the New Earth Experience through energetic downloads, guided soul journey meditations and community light alchemy at special places in nature.


* We will commune with the sacred vortex energies of Sedona and learn real-world techniques for healing the earth, grounding energies of love and creating lasting change in our every-day lives.


* We will share tips and tools for "Being the Bridge" to our Muti-dimensional nature and how to harness our expanded awareness of truth to create a better world for us all.


* We will "be the bridge" and learn how to connect with the various realms of creation, such as elemental and fairy vibrations, cosmic star energies, celestial Angelic frequencies and Divine Source Unity Light.  

* Divine Purpose Ignition - We will experience the pure essence of our divine spark and learn to focus this energy throughout our human adventure.   


Just some of the INCREDIBLE experiences of this retreat:

* Global Garden of Eden Infusion! - Guided meditation and visualization that helps you experience the possibility of Mother Earth and all plants, animals and lifeforms restored to their divine perfection in physical form.

* Visit "New Earth" 5D and beyond Timelines - meet your future self, higher self, highest collective consciousness!

* Heart Expansion - New Source Codes of Unconditional Love through the Great Cosmic Heart.

* Be the Bridge - Learn how to connect, communicate and embody higher consciousness as we explore other-worldy realms. We will commune with sentient beings rooted in love in service to love - guides, angels, otherworldly friends and spiritual masters!

* Shifting from 3D/5D - the cataclysm in the micro and macro as we release separation and shift into unity.

* Tips, tools and techniques to assist you in recognizing the 5D energies all around you, as well as how to bring more into your every day life.

* Training on how to feel, move, clear and infuse universal life force to assist in healing yourself, plants, animals and mother Earth.

* Shamanic Journey with sacred drumming - meet your spiritual animal guides, your higher self essence; receive and share powerful healing with mother earth and the energy of the stars.

* Medicine Wheel & Labyrinth Walking Meditation

* Learn to create light girds in nature for healing and manifesting heaven on earth - how to notice an energetic wound and offer balancing to plants, animals, water and land.

* Easy hiking and meditation in the vortex energies around Sedona.

* Tips, tools and techniques to support the next level of your ascension journey.

* Sacred Sound Immersion

* Channeling with the Divine Sophia and Logos Unity Light - ask the divine your questions!

New Light Codes to ignite your full potential:

* “Garden of Eden” Original Template Activation

* Crystalline Light Body Upgrades - clear old, outdated programs and subconscious imprints that may be holding you back from understanding and experiencing your highest soul potential in human form.

* Divine Spark Harmonization

Divine Unity Codes for Sacred Relationships

* Quantum Healing Activations for self and collective

* Intuitive Pathways & Receptor Sites cleared and activated

* Divine Potential in Human Form Experience

* Soul Blueprint Expansion 

* Light Codes for Elemental, Cosmic, Celestial and Divine Gateways

* Multi-Dimensional Anchoring of 5D Love Templates

Experience the New Earth 5D Timeline & anchor it into our current reality here and now.

​* Cosmic Codes - StarGate Immersion - connect with brothers and sisters from other worlds and feel their love and support as together we anchor new UNTIY love consciousness into the collective and planetary grids. 

* Advanced Alchemy Codes for true manifestation of of Heaven on Earth!

Registration Closes Friday April 17th, 2020




WHY this Sedona Retreat?

Sedona is considered a sacred place, a power hub of divine energy anchored into the earthly world. As human beings, we are the same - divinity in physical form. Oftentimes we forget this truth, forget that we have the power to create experiences each and every day that fill us with passion, purpose and gratitude. This retreat will help us to reconnect not only to the incredible wisdom and love of our highest soul potential, but to expand that energy in our every day, human adventures. 


Together, as a community of hearts committed to service and high frequency living, we will activate new templates of "heaven on earth" and anchor these energies into every part of our lives.  

Now is a time of great transformation - people are "waking up" and realizing they are more than what they see in the mirror. They are finding balance in holistic methods and connection in safe, loving community.


This retreat offers the opportunity to receive a "up-level" to your current spiritual journey and brings a profound opportunity for you to be of service to Gaia and the collective consciousness as we activate 5D New Earth Energy Templates in a whole new way!

Is This Experience Right for YOU?

Are you looking for something more, something that ignites the fire in your heart and draws you beyond the comfortable edges of your current reality? Are you ready to step into your divine calling in a new way, discovering not only who you are but how to BE the embodiment of creation in your world?


Are you wishing to be of service in a greater way, to join with others of like heart, mind and spirit? Are you ready to experience a life more filled with purpose and fulfillment? Are you ready to remember your true power as a creator of your own life and work to create a better world for us all?


If so, then join us for this sacred adventure of honoring the soul having a human experience and learn what it means to bridge worlds while creating your own...

Retreat Location:

Red Rocks of Sedona AZ plus meditations and workshops at the Sedonya Conscious Living Center


Schedule Highlights

April 23rd - Thursday Night Opening 

6:15PM - 6:45PM Meet and Greet

7:00PM Opening Ceremonies at Sedonya Conscious Living Center

April 24th - Friday All Day

10:00AM - 4:00PM Medicine Wheel Opening, Retreat Classes, Energetic Downloads, Shamanic Journey & Nature Walks with Jeanette and Charles. 


April 24th - Friday Evening - Special Community Event

7:00PM - 9:00PM Light Body Sound Healing Immersion -

Master Sound Healing Experience with Gongs and Singing Bowls (included in retreat).

April 25th - Saturday All Day

10:00AM - 4:00 PM Divine Bridge Connections 

Communing with the otherworldly realms! In class room and in nature!


* Special Dinner Event Saturday April 25th 7:00PM - 9:00PM

** We will provide an organic vegetarian/vegan, allergen friendly, 4 course dinner for all retreat participants.

Cosmic Gateways - UFO Exploration 9:00 - 10:00 PM


April 26th - Sunday All Day

10:30AM - 5:30PM

Be the Bridge, Angelic and Divine Connections, Unity Merge Experience, Channeling with Sophia & Logos

Closing ceremonies at sunset on the red rocks.

* Referral Discount! Register for 2 and receive $100 off each person - contact Jeanette before registering.



Please note - Each participant is responsible for their own transportation, lodging and food

except for the Saturday night dinner event. 

We recommend booking rooms in West Sedona, off the 89A in order to

get to the retreat workshops on time in the morning. 

Registration now open - Payment plans available. 

Click here to reserve your spot and receive the interest questionnaire. 

Limited spaces available. 


Jeanette St.Germain is the founder and owner of Radiant Soul Center in Tempe AZ, a true playground for the soul. She is a spiritual alchemist committed to empowering the divine nature of the human spirit. Jeanette has been a co-author in several spiritual books and holds weekly classes, meditation groups and high vibe activation events that assist in bridging the realms of energy with the realms of matter. She has served clients all over the world as a multi-dimensional channel, psychic medium and powerful energetic healer; Jeanette's private sessions and public events often include inspired angelic messages, clarity of life purpose, and deep healing through all layers of the energy field.​

Jeanette believes humanity and the world are in the midst of incredible change. There are not only opportunities for individual transformation but also for us to come together in order to create a better world rooted in love, compassion and higher understandings of the purpose of life. This "Be the Bridge" Sedona Experience is a chance to connect with others of like mind and spirit, to dive deep into what it means to be a human and to step higher into our collective purpose as guardians of love, emanating love, throughout the multi-verse. 
Charles Famille is a Licensed Massage Therapist, Shamanic Practitioner and is the creator of Spiritual CPR. He serves others through transformational bodywork, shamanism and energetic balancing.
Charles is a conscious participant in his life, seeking understanding of the many levels of what it means to be a soul having a human experience. He is passionate about learning and sharing with others how to unify divinity and physicality in order to create a better world for us all. 


Through his own life experiences and awakening to conscious living, Charles has developed a unique perspective that allows him to assist others in decoding certain patterns that often show up on our human journey. Through this understanding comes peace, individually and collectively.  

Light Body Activations, Spiritual Workshops, Sacred Ceremonies and

Energetic Vortexes in the Magical Red Rocks of Sedona! Join us...



Be the Bridge Sedona Retreat Experience - Step into your highest soul potential, create a new reality in sacred community & be of service in a whole new way! We can't wait to share this special time with you!

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