Solstice Light Infusion Meditation & Community Potluck THIS SATURDAY!
December 21, 2019
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
$21 per person
(monthly meditation membership can be applied to this event)
Join us tonight for an incredible Light Infusion Meditation where we connect with our inner most heart and plant new seeds of renewal for our coming year. In the bosom of the darkest day of the year, we will be reminded of who we really are and like the mythical Phoenix, rekindle our light and rise to shine once more...
This high vibe meditation and light infusion will also tap into the energy of the coming new moon and eclipse next week - a wonderful time for clearing all the energetic clutter from the past year and preparing to step forward into 2020 fully charged and connected to the ALL that we are!
** Community, Collaboration, UNITY and bridging the Divine with the Earthly will be key themes moving into 2020, and anything that is not in resonance with those energies will be coming up for release.
Why do we want to anchor into our true energy during the winter solstice?
The Winter Solstice heralds the symbolic rebirth of the sun, the lengthening of days, and a renewal of all life. It is the shortest, "darkest" day of the year, and is the perfect time to reach deep into our spirits to uncover our most precious truths, as we step forward into a kind of rebirthing from within. This day is the time when we are getting ready to start fresh, turning back towards the light of the sun, and offers us the most "fertile soil" in which to manifest, dream, and plant the seedlings of our purest desires.